Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Reclaim Your Dreams (Before the Price Goes Up!)

Just a quick note:

Fellow Contrarian blogger and regular writer for the well-known Zen Habits blog, Jonathan Mead, from Illuminated Mind, is selling his ebook, Reclaim Your Dreams, at the special launch price for only a few more days. As of 31 Jan, the price will be what you'd normally pay for an ebook - 40% more. So if you're keen to get it, get it now quickly before the price goes up! Check it out here.

It's a great little book, with some very inspiring ideas and, as a blogger, he's got a nice, straightforward style of writing. I particularly like the threads of Jonathan's "uncommon wisdom" that run through the book, where he brings in ideas that typically spring from Eastern philosophies, rather than popular Western self-help traditions. While you're there, check out Jonathan's blog and subscribe to his RSS - there's loads of value in there, and you don't have to pay a thing for it, and he's hatching plenty more cool stuff that you'll want to be first to know about.

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